Alexia Robinson Studio


Toby, Ashley’s new step brother is trying to do everything in his power to ruin everything for her. Ashley is running for Student council and

Drunken Confidence

Paige tricks Terri into drinking a bit too much before the school dance to give her confidence. Terri is unaware of Paige’s devious plan to

Flirtation Deface

Spinner finds a reason to talk to Terri and asks to borrow her notes. Ashley knows Spinner like Terri because Spinner doesn’t pay attention in

Sibling Rivalry

Ashley and Toby’s parents move in together and they are less than excited about being new step siblings. They can’t seem to get along.

Silicon or Saline Solution

The boys get bored and decide to surf porn on the net until their parents come home and find them.

The Issues or Your Appearance

Ashley is less than excited to have a new step brother. Terri and Paige help Ashley put up her  election posters while they talk about

Power Trip

Emma and Manny are afraid as new 6th graders of middle school and Spinner an eighth grader,  doesn’t make it any easier.

Saving Emma

Emma meets a guy on the internet and lies to her friends about going to meet him. Toby breaks into her email and finds out

House Of Wonders

Holly has taken an advance from her publisher to write a book about her great-aunt, Myrta Jane Wonders, who ran a brothel in Alaska. After

Good Guys Turned Bad

The girls plan a girls night while the guys try to find a way to be apart of it.

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