Alexia Robinson Studio

Good People

Leslie Wright is voluptuous woman who loves sports, and loves to laugh. The problem is men look at her as the friend type not the

Eyes Without A Face

Darcy is a Christian, however is tired of being looked at as a “good girl.” To change that she starts taking risqué photos and posting


Alex’s moms boyfriend maxed out her moms credit cards and got arrested so now Alex and her mother are facing an eviction. Alex now has

A Long Walk Home

Jenna and Adam are best friends.  Jenna is moving to a new family.  Both are sadden by this news.  Adam finds it very difficult to

A long walk home

Jenna and Adam are best friends. Jenna is moving to a new family. Both are sadden by this news. Adam finds it very difficult to

Jade Dumps Beck

Jade dumps Beck and later regrets it. Now she turns to Tori, a girl she doesn’t even like for help.

99 Problems

Zane is new to the school but he is also openly homosexual. He decides to try out for the football team and makes it as

10 Things I Hate About You

Kat dated Joey and he convinced her to do it because everyone else was doing it. When Kat said she no longer wanted to he

7th Grade Student Counsel Prez

Toby convinces JT to run against his step sister Ashley for Student Counsel President. Toby is just trying to annoy his new step sister by

Don’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover

Darcy and Spinner are dating. Darcy is tired of her good girl image and Spinner respects her vows of abstinence and chastity. Darcy wants to

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